2024 BEMA Connect – Supplier

BEMA Convention 2024 Patch


BEMA Connect introduces bakers to suppliers they aren’t currently working with and matches the baker’s needs with supplier solutions. Meet one-on-one with baker guests, speed dating style.

Monday, July 1st
10:00am – 2:00pm *Lunch provided

convention green separator

2024 BEMA Connect Supplier Form

2024 BEMA Connect - Supplier

BEMA Connect appointments are for one baker and one supplier.  If multiple members of your company are attending Convention, only ONE survey should be completed that represents the preferences of your entire group.  Once you receive your matches, you will decide internally which team member should meet with each baker. 

Your Name(s)

Please select the best descriptors of your services. You may choose as many as you would like.
Please select 5 bakers with whom you would like to meet. You must choose FIVE and you must ONLY choose FIVE.