15 Dec 2018 Summit Creates Competitive Advantages for Members
We are so excited to kick off the registration for BEMA’s 2018 Summit! Not only will this year’s meeting celebrate our centennial but it is also is full of great educational sessions and networking events for attendees. Here’s a brief overview of what to expect at Summit 2018.
The two-day meeting features three educational sessions designed to help members build and manage their businesses, BEMA-U Introduction to Insights, Growing Internationally: Best Practices in China, and IBIE Exhibitor Insight. “When developing sessions for the 2018 Summit, we considered business objectives that are timely and can deliver significant ROI for our members,” says Jay Hardy (J&K Ingredients), BEMA Convention and Programs committee co-chair.
BEMA-U Introduction to Insights, will be held Saturday, February 24, 1:30 pm – 4:00 pm. Emily Bowers, BEMA’s Senior Director of Education and Professional Development will present a hands-on preview of the BEMA-U Insights Discovery®. The class will introduce self-awareness and how to use it to communicate and be an effective leader. All attendees will receive a complimentary Insights Discovery profile valued at $100. Registration is required for this event and is limited to the first 50 registrants. Also, attendees are encouraged to invite their up-and-coming talent to attend this complimentary session.
Growing Internationally, Best Practices in China, will kick off the meeting Sunday, February 25. China is the fastest growing market for baked goods and this session is designed to help members make the leap into this market. Experts from Euromonitor will present an in-depth look at China’s demographics and changing preferences. BEMA members with a variety of facilities in China from Unifiller, Foodtools, AMF and Intralox will share best practices for establishing a foothold there.
IBIE Exhibitor Insight, will share details on the new bundled booth pricing, online contracting, housing blocks, and more. In addition, a team from Freeman Expositions will provide inspiration as they talk about trends in booth design and developments in virtual reality at tradeshows.
During Summit BEMA’s standing committees will meet on Saturday morning, February 24. “Committee meetings are where the real work of BEMA is accomplished,” says Kerwin Brown, BEMA President/CEO. “The work done in these committees lays the foundation for BEMA’s activities throughout the year and advances the mission of the association.” We encourage all of our members to join a committee meeting. It is a great opportunity to meet with other members, help the association and network.
Speaking of networking outside of the committees and educational sessions, Summit also features industry-wide networking events including a gala celebrating BEMA’s 100th anniversary and a Lifetime Achievement awards luncheon. The Lifetime Achievement Awards Luncheon will close our event on Sunday, February 25 and honor those who have made significant contributions to BEMA.
To register and to find the full schedule for the 2018 Summit visit here. We look forward to seeing you soon!
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