On Tuesday, March 9, human resources professionals met for the 2021 Q1 HR virtual roundtable. Hosted by Emily Bowers of BEMA, the panel of HR experts leading the discussion included Susan Potucek, Clif Bar & Company, and Pat Richards of Hearthside Foods with input from...

BEMA's CEO, Kerwin Brown, sat down with Rick Hoskins, BEMA's 2020-2021 Chairman of the Board, to talk about his experiences as a leader and learner as well as the benefits of developing relationships throughout the baking industry....

20/20 Hindsight and Future Opportunities at IBIE 2022 - While it could be easy to dismiss 2020 as an unfortunate year better forgotten, we can’t deny that the last 12 months have pushed the industry in ways many of us never thought possible....

On November 11, the United States honors the approximately 18 million men and women who have bravely served our country. Following their service, many of the more than 200,000 service members who transition out of the military each year find themselves looking to reconnect in...

It’s no secret the tradeshow industry has taken a beating in 2020. Yet there’s hope on the horizon that reduced travel restrictions, fewer cases and improving protocols could enable a resurgence in tradeshow in-person attendance as soon as Q1 or Q2 of 2021. ...