20/20 Hindsight and Future Opportunities at IBIE 2022 - While it could be easy to dismiss 2020 as an unfortunate year better forgotten, we can’t deny that the last 12 months have pushed the industry in ways many of us never thought possible....

It’s no secret the tradeshow industry has taken a beating in 2020. Yet there’s hope on the horizon that reduced travel restrictions, fewer cases and improving protocols could enable a resurgence in tradeshow in-person attendance as soon as Q1 or Q2 of 2021. ...

On Tuesday, Sept. 22, BEMA brought together C-suite members to talk about expectations for 2021. Led by moderators Jason Ward of AMF and Mike Pierce of The Austin Company, the roundtable allowed participants to share ideas and voice concerns for the future around a virtual...

We are amid a time of comparison and contrast, historical significance versus modern-day relevance, work-life balance versus stay-at-home orders, the comfort of an old-fashioned handshake versus the convenience of a video conference call.  While we navigate this period of transition, few of us have the...

The last couple of months have tested us as individuals and as an industry on many levels. Amid the stress and strain, we’ve had an unanticipated benefit of seeing leadership manifest and bloom in unexpected areas....